Note: These instructions do not include the $50.00 class fee due for each semester in band. This fee is paid at the same time as other class fees, to the school, during student schedule pickup.
You can pay your student’s band fees by check, cash, or online by credit card through the James Clemens High School website. Your band participation fees, instrument rental fees, tailgate fees, payments for uniforms and spirit wear, etc. are paid through the Booster Treasurer and are recorded in your student’s BoosterHub account.
Cash and Check Instructions
Place all checks and cash in an envelope with the student’s name and the purpose of the payment written on the outside.
Make checks out to “James Clemens High School” and include your driver’s license number, a good telephone number, your student’s first and last name, and the purpose of the payment on the check. Writing your student’s first and last name on your check will make sure you get credit for it
Place check and cash envelopes in the lock box located in the band room. It is located on the wall to the right as you exit the band room, going into the school hallway. There are empty envelopes and a pen next to the lock box.
You may request a receipt for your payment from the band treasurer by sending an email to Receipts for your check and cash payments will be placed in the black receipt box located on the counter on the right as soon as you enter the Band Room through the outside doors.
When paying fees online, send confirmation of your payment to, so that they will be counted in BoosterHub.
Credit Card (Online) Instructions
1. Go to the James Clemens High School website at and click on the Eschool Payments button:
2. Click on the “Proceed to Payment Pages link:
3. Click the “JCHS Extracurricular Activities” button:
Make sure you are paying the correct school! Contact the band treasurer at if you have questions.

4. Click “Band” to reveal the different options available. Fill out the required information (Parent(s) Name, Student First Name, Student Last Name, Address, etc.) and select the fees and amounts that you would like to pay.
Make sure you are paying the correct fees! Contact the band treasurer at if you have questions.

5. Scroll all the way to the bottom, agree to the Terms and Conditions and click on the reCAPTCHA to prove that you are not a robot. Then, click on the “Proceed to Payment Page” button to make your payment. A convenience fee is added your total.
6. You will receive an email confirming your payment. Forward that email to so that it can be counted in your student’s BoosterHub account.